A technical Breakthrough for the poorest of the world

Released on = August 20, 2006, 2:25 am

Press Release Author = AFRICOM Technology Transfer

Industry = Small Business

Press Release Summary = Drinking water generating from atmosphere by Solar Hybrid
No running cost to generate drinking water and to realize basic infrastructure with
energy from photovoltaic and biogas for the poorest of the world
The protected system for production and purifying water with integrated power
station for little villages is named AguaSolara and uses only sources of renewable
energy, which is solar radiation and biogas from biomass.

Press Release Body = Press Release

A technical Breakthrough for the poorest of the world
Drinking water generating from atmosphere by Solar Hybrid Technology

Most of the countryside areas in the 3rd world do not have access to clean drinking
water and electricity. It is more than 1 billion people, who suffer from epidemics
and high child mortality because of bad water, which results in under development of
their living. A number, which shall be halved according to the Millennium Statement
of the states of UN till the year of 2015.

But how to do it?

If the access to the water and power nets in areas like African Sahel, the jungle of
Laos, the steppe of Turkmenistan or in the Amazons area is technical and economical

This is the problem, which Mr. Dipl-Ing. Ingo Herr, living today in Schoemberg,
Germany, is working on for many years. Already in the 1970th he lived in South
Africa and visited other countries to learn the difference of this continent to
Europe. Later he was involved in Project of foreign aid in Togo. Together with the
Austrian Engineer Leopold Ritter, who is resident in Lom�, he developed the Compact
Container Unit to produce clean drinking water from the atmosphere. This unit
includes as an essential speciality the Hygroextractor, which he had developed for
this system.

No running cost to generate drinking water and to realize basic infrastructure with
energy from photovoltaic and biogas for the poorest of the world
The protected system for production and purifying water with integrated power
station for little villages is named AguaSolara and uses only sources of renewable
energy, which is solar radiation and biogas from biomass. Both sources of energy are
founding sufficiently in the countryside area of the 3rd world. They just have to be
used. An other effect is that it does not increase the CO2 content of the
atmosphere. The process just gives back, what was taken by the biolmass. The System
is not only energy ecologic orientated it also helps our planet according to the
convention for protection of climate.

The final project development will be presented on a symposium for an interested
consortium and the global production will be started.
On October 04. and 05.2006 during a 2 days symposium in Frankfurt a.M. with speakers
from UNO, Development aid organisations and banks the system will be presented and
the licences for production will be offered.
An interested consortium of international businessmen is expected to collect
information in a direct dialogue from international foreign aid organisation.
Further more to get information from specialists from leading banks about support
money, finance instruments and modes of carrying out, etc. connected to EU, world
bank and KfW.

For the utilization of the development Dipl-Ing. Ingo Herr could win Fa. AFRICOM,
Technology Transfer, which is specialised in foreign aid projects, to manage the
licence business of the Aguasolara Compact Unit and Fa. IMC Consulting in Freiburg,
the centre for solar technology in Germany, as adviser.

Find more details about the development of this Project on the Internet page

Get Documents for the symposium per e-mail: sunbizz2006@aol.com

Web Site = http://africo-sarl.com/technology-transfer

Contact Details = Africom, Technology Transfer,
D-72145 Hirrlingen / Germany
Tel: +49 (0)7478-91150

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